My 20-Year Battle with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Sophie Lee
166 pages, Trade paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9826183-2-5
It’s whispered about and often made light of, but as Sophie Lee will tell you, there is nothing funny about irritable bowel
syndrome (IBS)—a chronic medical condition characterized by often intense abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and/or diarrhea.
The stigma attached to this disorder prevents many people from seeking help or sharing their problem with family, friends, and
coworkers. This is unfortunate, since it is estimated that more than 60 million Americans suffer from this devastating illness.
Sadly, even those who do seek medical help often find themselves up against ignorant doctors and even those who believe that IBS is
a psychological condition.
Sophie’s Story: My 20-year Battle with Irritable Bowel Syndrome chronicles a brave young woman’s fight
against the IBS “monster,” offering valuable insights on coping with, and even controlling, the symptoms.

Bacteria--The Missing Link in Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Mark Pimentel, M.D.
168 pages, Trade paperback • Also available in Spanish
ISBN: 978-0977435609 (Click the Swanson logo to the right to order.)
A New IBS Solution offers a revolutionary look at the way Irritable Bowel
Syndrome (IBS) is currently being treated. Today, over 60 million people of all ages
across the country are suffering from IBS, which is
characterized by abdominal pain, bloating, and altered bowel habits. But
because patients may find it difficult to discuss their bowel problems with
their physicians, they often suffer in silence or even worse, “learn to live with
According to Dr. Mark Pimentel, Director of the Gastrointestinal Motility
Program at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, the majority of IBS cases can be
treated successfully. Dr. Pimentel believes that the root
cause of most IBS symtoms can be attributed to an overgrowth of bacteria in
the small intestine. A New IBS Solution takes you through the historical
evolution of conventional medicine's view on IBS in a way that can be easily
understood. In addition, Dr. Pimentel presents a simple treatment protocol
that will not only help you resolve your IBS symptoms, but will also prevent
their recurrence.
Las bacterias--el eslabón perdido en el tratamiento
del síndrome del colon irritable
Mark Pimentel, M.D.
168 pages, Trade paperback • Spanish version
ISBN: 978-0977435647
How Probiotics Balance Your Gut and Heal Your Body
Brenda Watson, C.N.C.
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9826183-5-6
Millions of people suffer from digestive disorders including irritable bowel syndrome and chronic constipation, but comparatively few realize that good overall health begins in the gut. We’re all equipped with our own “Gut Protection System,” or GPS, populated by a delicate balance of friendly bacteria that help us digest and synthesize nutrients, defend us from toxins, and fortify our immunity to disease.
When there is an imbalance of the bacteria (friendly vs. harmful) in the GPS—whether from antibiotics, antacids, poor diets, or simply the natural course of aging—we experience digestive disturbances, which, if left unchecked, can lead to more serious health issues. In this publication, you will discover that by consuming probiotics (beneficial bacteria), especially strains of lactobacillus or bifidobacterium, you can safely and effectively restore balance to your GPS, ease digestive disturbances, and maintain optimum health.
The Key to a Healthy Digestive and Immune System
John G. Thomas, Ph.D.
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9819872-7-9
Your overall good health depends on a healthy functioning digestive
system. The bacteria present in your digestive tract play a major role.
Imbalances in the types of gut flora, (friendly vs. harmful), can lead to
digestive disturbances, which, if left unchecked, can lead to more serious
and health issues.
Researchers have observed that certain organisms, primarily species of
lactobacillus or bifidobacterium, have health promoting benefits.
In Probiotics: The Key to a Healthy Digestive and Immune System, you
will discover that one such bacterium, Lactobacillus plantarum 299v
(Lp299v™), has been clinically proven to be not only beneficial to the
digestive system, but also to one’s overall health. |
And Your Sinus Health
John G. Thomas, Ph.D.
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9826183-4-9
More than 40 million Americans suffer from sinus infections every single year. In fact, almost all of us will have a sinus infection sometime in our lifetimes. For the 33 million sufferers of chronic sinusitis, it seems like life is an endless round of antibiotic treatments, perhaps a brief respite, and re-infection.
Conventional medical treatment for chronic sinusitis may only be compounding the problem because research shows that most chronic sinus problems have components of viral, bacterial, and fungal infection, meaning that antibiotics will be ineffective. Increased use of antibiotics leads to more antibiotic-resistant bacteria and the medications become less effective.
Probiotics can help break the vicious circle by balancing beneficial microorganisms to help eliminate harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi; strengthening the immune system; and promoting the healthy flow of mucus to eliminate harmful organisms.
The Link Between Beneficial Oral Bacteria and Total Health
John G. Thomas, Ph.D.
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9819872-5-5
It is estimated today that over 80% of all Americans suffer from gum disease and 35 million have a severe form of it. Conventional treatments for advanced gum (periodontal) disease can be very expensive and painful. While brushing, flossing, and regular visits to the dentist can certainly go a long way toward preventing gum disease, scientists have identified powerful new tools to fight this silent epidemic.
Mounting evidence reveals that that periodontal disease can be the starting point for illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, and respiratory ailments. New research suggests that probiotics, specifically lactobacillus reuteri, may prevent--and even reverse--signs of gum disease.
Managing Oral Pathogens for Prevention and Treatment
John G. Thomas, Ph.D.
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9819872-8-6
Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is the most common infectious complication among patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). Additionally, VAP is the most commonly reported health care-acquired infection in patients receiving mechanical ventilation. Critically ill patients who develop VAP are twice as likely to die compared to those who do not develop it. In addition, VAP can considerably increase healthcare costs, adding $40,000 to a hospital admission.
For the last decade it has become increasingly clear that oral care addresses the risk factors for VAP—bacterial colonization of the oropharyngeal area, aspiration of subglottal secretions, and colonization of dental plaque with respiratory pathogens. Dr. John Thomas’s new book, Pneumonia in the ICU: Managing Oral Pathogens for Prevention and Treatment, describes the growing evidence of the importance of oral cavity microbes in the development of VAP. The book then explains how these microbes can travel down to the lungs via the endotrach. Finally, the book outlines the development of a comprehensive oral care system shown in independent, peer-reviewed studies to significantly reduce the incidence of VAP.
A Gastroenterologist’s Perspective
Eamonn Quigley, M.D.
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0977435661
In Probiotics and Digestive Health, you will learn that your overall
health depends on the healthy functioning of your digestive system; not only
does it pull nutrients from food to nourish the body, but it participates in
protecting it against diseases. The bacteria that populate the digestive tract
play a major role in both of these functions. Imbalances in the types of gut
flora--friendly versus harmful--can lead to digestive upsets which, if left
unchecked, can lead to far more serious health problems.
One such disease is
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). IBS is the most common
chronic medical condition in the Western World. Approximately 40 percent of
those suffering with IBS have symptoms severe or frequent enough to disrupt
their daily lives. In Probiotics and Digestive Health, you will learn how
probiotics work and why they are so critical for regulating overall digestive
health. In addition, you will learn the differences between probiotic strains
and the promise of a newly discovered strain--Bifidobacterium infantis 35624
(Bifantis)--for relieving IBS and other GI problems. |
A Foundation for Gastrointestinal Health in Infants, Children, and Adults
Jon Vanderhoof, M.D.
Eamonn Quigley, M.D.
48 pages, Paperback • Also available in French, Spanish and Italian.
ISBN: 978-0977435685
ISBN: 978-0-9819872-3-1 (French version)
ISBN: 978-0-9819872-0-0 (Italian version)
ISBN: 978-0-9819872-1-7 (Spanish version)
To ensure good health, maintaining a properly functioning digestive system is
crucial. The bacteria present in your digestive tract play a major role.
Imbalances in the types of gut flora (friendly versus harmful), can lead to
digestive disturbances, which, if left unchecked, can lead to far more serious
health issues. Researchers have observed that certain organisms, primarily
species of lactobacillus or bifidobacterium, have health-promoting benefits.
In Probiotics: A Foundation for Gastrointestinal Health in Infants, Children,
and Adults, you will discover that one such bacterium, Lactobacillus GG, has
been clinically proven to be not only beneficial to the digestive system, but
also to one's overall health. |
The Key to Digestive Health
Eamonn Quigley, M.D.
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9774356-9-2
As the population ages, more attention is being devoted to the prevention of disease and its effects. Maintaining a properly functioning digestive system is critical. The bacteria that populate the digestive tract play a major role in these functions. Imbalances in the types of gut flora (friendly versus harmful) can lead to digestive distrubances, which, if left unchecked, can lead to far more serious health issues. Researchers have observed that certain organisms, primarily species of lactobacillus, or bifidobacterium, have health promoting benefits.
In Probiotics: The Key to Digestive Health, you will discover two such bacteria, Lactobacillus acidophilus CL1285 and Lactobacillus Casei. Both have been clinically proven to be not only beneficial to the digestive system, but also to one’s overall health.
A Kibow Educational Guide
Natarajan Ranganathan, Ph.D.
Henry D’Silva, M.D.
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9826183-1-8
More than 20 million Americans suffer from chronic kidney disease, and at any given time 400,000 have advanced kidney disease that requires dialysis or transplantation. Probiotics offer hope for anyone with chronic kidney disease, and especially for those in Stages 3 and 4, by:
• Filtering out urea and uric acid from the intestinal tract and bloodstream
• Acting as a pseudo-kidney to remove other toxins
• Giving malfunctioning kidneys an opportunity to rest and heal
In Probiotics and Kidney Health the prime researcher in the field gives clear and concise information on kidney disease, probiotics, and the dynamic way they meet to slow—or even stop—the progression of chronic kidney disease.
Nature’s Medicine Chest
Susan Smith Jones, Ph.D.
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9819872-6-2 (Click the logo at right to order.)
For thousands of years, mankind has relied entirely on plants and herbs to treat illnesses both minor and serious. On every continent, stretching back centuries, native cultures turned to indigenous plants to develop healing remedies. Over 4,500 years ago, Chinese and Native Americans began to organize bodies of knowledge about the medicinal properties of herbs.
In the United States, around 80 of the most popular pharmaceutical products sold today contain active ingredients derived from herbal sources.
Herbs: Nature’s Medicine Chest discusses which herbs are most effective in treating some of today’s most common ailments. Some of these uses include: soothing the misery of colds, flu, and allergies, promoting better digestion, calming the stress, and getting a good night’s sleep.
In Herbs: Nature’s Medicine Chest you will discover how herbs and natural remedies can be used to improve and maintain your overall good health. |
Discover the Healing Secrets in Your Spice Rack
Susan Smith Jones, Ph.D.
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9819872-9-3 (Click the logo at right to order.)
In Biblical times, mustard seeds were thought to cure everything from toothaches to epilepsy. Saffron, black pepper, fenugreek and many other spices were also prized for their healing powers. As it turned out, the ancients had an uncanny sense of which spices were most likely to be effective. Discover what recent research has uncovered about the healing potential of spices. Learn about the health benefits and delicious taste of many popular kitchen spices, including black pepper, cumin, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, turmeric, fenugreek and oregano. Find out how easy it is to use these healthy spices in your favorite recipes to reap automatic benefits.
In Culinary Herbs: Discover the Healing Secrets in Your Spice Rack, health and nutrition expert, Susan Smith Jones, PhD, presents a spice used to help reduce inflammation and cholesterol, the best spices to boost metabolism and help you lose weight, the spice that’s proving even more effective than aspirin, a culinary gem for motion sickness, spices that give your brain “wake-up chemicals” and boost your energy, and the spice that can make an ordinary cook into a stellar chef. |
Make it Easy with Herbs
Susan Smith Jones, Ph.D.
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9819872-6-2 (Click the logo at right to order.)
Americans are among the fattest people on Earth. Never before in history have we had access to such an abundance of cheap food. Two-thirds of us are overweight. Half of us are obese. We are all aware of how unhealthy it is to be overweight, but until now we’ve received conflicting messages about the best way to shed those excess pounds and regain the health that is our birthright.
In Weight Loss: Make it Easy with Herbs, health and nutrition expert, Susan Smith Jones, PhD, offers scientifically proven advice on the best methods of weight loss and the herbs that can help you reach your weight goal easily and safely, including an herb used by Kalahari Bushmen to quell hunger pangs on long forays; an Asian herb that fills your stomach instantly, helping keep portions under control; tea that burns fat--even while you sleep; the spice that revs up your body’s furnace and burns off calories--even without exercise; and the seaweed that boosts thyroid function, increases metabolism, and helps you burn calories faster. |
Surefire Tips to Find Comfort Naturally & Boost Your Immune System
Susan Smith Jones, Ph.D.
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9826183-6-3 (Click the logo at right to order.)
Despite the achievements of Western medicine in minimizing communicable
diseases such as polio—and even the once-common childhood diseases
like mumps and measles—there remains no “cure” for the common cold, or
for allergies for that matter. Doctors may prescribe drugs for transient relief
from symptoms, but such pharmaceuticals can have harsh side effects.
With the safety and effectiveness of many over-the-counter and prescription
medicines in question, the best course of action for relieving colds
and allergies, writes Susan Smith Jones, PhD, is to turn to the abundance
of healing herbs and remedies in nature’s wonderland. In the herbal
bounty of nature, you can find ways to soothe the misery of colds and
allergies and also boost your immune system to help prevent these problems
from developing in the first place. In this booklet, you’ll discover the root causes of colds and allergies, get
practical tips to keep your immune system strong, and learn how specific
herbs can support the immune system and relieve symptoms like cough,
congestion, sore throat, and watery eyes. Colds and allergies may have no
“cure,” but this dynamic booklet will empower you to conquer them both!
Dr. Susan’s Gold-Star Secrets to Beautiful Skin, a Leaner Waistline & Energy to Spare
Susan Smith Jones, Ph.D.
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9826183-7-0 (Click the logo at right to order.)
For centuries, in ancient medical traditions the world over, healing
practitioners have known the importance of detoxification—drawing
out, neutralizing and eliminating accumulated toxins—for maintaining
optimum health. Today, we have even more of a need for detoxification
than the ancients. Every minute, our body's cells produce the
energy needed to sustain life and, in the process, produce wastes that
must be eliminated such as carbon dioxide, uric acid and free radical
Completing a beneficial detoxification program is like working with
a clean slate: Not only will you be helping to prevent the onset of disease
in the long term, but you will also notice beneficial changes in
the short term, including weight loss, clear skin and renewed energy,
just to name a few. In this booklet, Susan goes into detail about the
how to fully detoxify and rejuvenate your body so you can look and
feel your very best. |
Discover Nature's Secret to Inner Calm, Restful Sleep & Newfound Energy
Susan Smith Jones, Ph.D.
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9826183-9-4 (Click the logo at right to order.)
If you often feel like the demands of your daily life exceed your ability to meet
them, you’re definitely not alone. The state of feeling “stressed out” and “overcommitted”
is a growing phenomenon among millions of Americans. Time
magazine singled out stress as an epidemic and statistics support that claim.
• Over one million North Americans are absent on any given workday due
to stress and stress-related disorders
• 79% to 90% of all visits to primary health-care practitioners in North
America are due to stress-related illnesses or complaints
Chronic stress has an impact on every aspect of our physical and mental
well-being. Studies have shown that being under prolonged stress can lead to
weight gain, fatigue, fluctuations in blood sugar, bone loss, compromised
immune system, and anxiety/depression. Having continuously elevated levels
of the stress hormone cortisol has been linked to the development of inflammatory
diseases, insulin resistance, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.
While de-stressing can be achieved through yoga and exercise, it can also
be hastened by foods, herbs, spices, water and other lifestyle changes. The
cornucopia of stress-busting suggestions discussed in this booklet can help
keep cortisol levels in an optimal range, even when one is experiencing stress. |
Natural Remedies for Strong Bones & Healthy Joints at Any Age
Susan Smith Jones, Ph.D.
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9826183-8-7 (Click the logo at right to order.)
It’s unfortunate that one of the most prominent stereotypes of old age is that
of a graying man or woman bent over a cane grumbling, “Oh, my aching back!”
In American culture, we seem to expect that aches and pains, a stooping spine,
and stiff joints are par for the natural course of aging. We assume that we’ll
have to slow down, curtail physical activities, and manage pain as our bodies
lose the dew of youth. But that’s not how it has to be for you.
In this informative booklet, Susan Smith Jones, PhD, teaches you how you
can give your body all it needs to build and maintain healthy bones and joints
naturally—without drugs and their associated side effects. She’ll show you
how chronic diseases such as arthritis do not have to be a by-product of
advancing age. With the right vitamins and nutrients, an active lifestyle that
includes weight-bearing exercises, and a dash of sunlight, you can lay the
foundation for a resilient skeleton and pain-free joints for years to come. Finally, she will point the way to healing herbs from nature’s medicine chest
that can help stave off the degradation of bones and joints, minimize pain
from arthritis, and help you feel years younger than your chronological age.
After reading this booklet, you won’t take the aging process “lying down”!
The Natural Way to Improve Your Health
Susan Smith Jones, Ph.D.
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9819872-6-2 (Click the logo at right to order.)
“The Power of Food Dehydrating introduces to you the world of food
dehydration—the easy, efficient, and economical method for preserving
your food and improving your health.
Dehydration is one of the oldest methods of preserving food known
to civilization. Methods and uses of dehydration stretched across the
globe and continued well into the 20th century. For example, in the
days of Columbus, sailors lived off of various dried foods and jerky
that could last the entire journey.
In The Power of Food Dehydrating: The Natural Way to Improve
Your Health, you will discover the benefits to food dehydration,
delicious recipes, and you will learn about one of the premier dehydrators
available today, the Excalibur Dehydrator.
Dehydration is an economical and easy-to-use process, readily available
today to improve and maintain one’s overall good health.
Learn How to Keep Your Bones Healthy at Any Age
Kevin M. Connolly, Ph.D.
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9826183-3-2
Osteoporosis and low bone mass comprise a major public health threat in North America for 44 million women and men in the United States alone, most of them women over the age of 50.
The primary supplements used to treat and prevent osteoporosis are calcium and vitamin D. But there are several other nutrients that also promote bone health, including vitamin K, potassium, silicon, strontium, and trace minerals.
In Nutrients, Aging, and the Skeleton, Dr. Kevin Connolly offers clear and concise information about bone health, the risk factors for weakened bones, and the right supplements to keep your bones in peak condition. |
The Vital Mineral for a Healthy Life
Dr. Barbara Hendel
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9819872-1-7
(Click the Swanson logo at right to order.)
To maintain one’s overall good health, the body needs sufficient amounts of magnesium. Magnesium has been shown to be essential to the most primary functions of the body. Futhermore, magnesium deficiency can have serious consequences for out health. Magnesium: The Vital Mineral for a Healthy Life will focus on a wide variety of chronic conditions linked with magnesium deficiency that affect millions of Americans. Some of the illnesses include: Heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, migraines, chronic fatigue, even tooth decay.
Magnesium: The Vital Mineral for a Healthy Life will also examine magnesium’s role in promoting good health, will provide information on the latest studies and research, and finally, will answer your most common questions about magnesium. |
The Key to Energy, Vitality, and a Healthy Heart
Dr. Robert Barry
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0977435654
(Click the Swanson logo at right to order.)
As the population ages, more attention is being devoted to the prevention
of disease and its effects. Heart disease heads the list, with millions of
people suffering from it throughout the country. Aging also can affect the
quality of one's life--reducing energy and vitality. In recent years, medical
research has looked to compounds known as antioxidants, which neutralize free
radicals in the body, preventing cellular damage that can otherwise contribute
to diseases. Researchers continue to find evidence that CoQ10 affects our
health. Studies link optimal immune system function with an increased level of
CoQ10 in the body and prove that it promotes the maintenance of healthy
tissue as well. With aging, the ability of our bodies to produce and
metabolize CoQ10 declines, possibly from diseases, insufficient dietary
intake, and oxidation. Some reports state that this decline in CoQ10 becomes
apparent after the age of 40. In The Power of Ubiquinol, you'll discover how
to increase your energy, vitality, and improve your overall health.
The Key to a Healthy Immune System
Larry Robinson, Ph.D.
Vern Cherewantenko, M.D.
Stuart Reeves, Ph.D.
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0977435623
(Click the Swanson logo at right to order.)
To maintain good health, a normal, balanced immune system is
absolutely essential. Unfortunately, physical or mental stress, lack of sleep,
pollution, changing seasons and even the normal aging process can all impair
the immune system's ability to perform properly. Now, a unique dietary
ingredient called EpiCor provides nutrition that helps balance the functions
of the immune system to keep it working optimally. EpiCor is a natural product
designed to help the body protect itself from bacterial, parasitic, fungal,
and viral infections. In addition, it is a powerful anitioxidant as well as
having anti-inflammatory properties. Researched to be safe and clinically
shown to be effective, EpiCor can support good overall health by balancing the
body's immune response. |
Sleep Better, Feel Better : A Guide to Getting a Good Night’s Sleep
Dr. Lisa Kaspin, Ph.D.
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0977435630
(Click the Swanson logo at right to order.)
We all know that getting a good night’s sleep is vital to our
health and well-being. Today, over 50 million Americans suffer from sleep
disorders. This condition includes the inability to fall asleep as well as the
inability to stay asleep through the night. Sleep disorders can result in poor
concentration, memory problems, irritability, impaired motor coordination, and
even auto accidents caused by fatigued drivers. There is evidence that lack of
sleep is also a risk factor for the onset of depression, anxiety, and
substance use disorders. Tryptophan offers an efective remedy to insomnia and
is a safe alternative to using sleeping pills. In L-Tryptophan: Sleep Better,
Feel Better, you’ll discover that not only is Tryptophan a very effective
remedy to insomnia, it also acts as a mood enhancer, can assist with weight
loss, and may help alleviate migraine symptoms. |
A Natural Solution For Healthy Gums
Charles A Babbush, DDS, MScD
Jack T. Krauser, DMD
Robert O. Wolf, DDS
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0977435678
Today, it is estimated that over 80% of all Americans suffer from
gum disease--35 million have a severe form of it. Conventional treatments for
advanced gum (periodontal) disease can be very expensive and painful. While
brushing, flossing, and regular visits to the dentist can go a long way toward
preventing gum disease, dental professionals have identified powerful new
tools to fight this “silent epidemic.” Mounting evidence reveals that
periodontal disease can be the starting point for illnesses such as
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, and respiratory ailments. New
research suggests that the topical use of CoQ10, vitamin C, and xylitol may
prevent--and even reverse-- signs of gum disease. In Q-Litol: A Natural
Solution for Healthy Gums, you will discover the importance of healthy gums
and the relationship to your overall health. |
Dr. Bjodne Eskeland
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0977435616
(Click the Swanson logo at right to order.)
Young Tissue Extract (YTE) is a powdered protein derived from
extract of healthy, pre-embryonic fertilized hen eggs that has been clinically
proven to provide a great fourfold benefit to human health: Increased sexual
health and desire; a remarkable increase in energy and stamina; a boost in
muscle strength for athletes, and benefits to promote relaxation. YTE contains
a natural combination of potent amino acids and glycopeptides, which are
enriched in the period immediately after the egg is fertilized, and are
extracted from the egg at the peak of potency to capture all the tremendous
health-giving potential. These substances help regulate or normalize the
production of testosterone in the body, and reduce cortisol, the stress